Advanced Kiosk BETA known issues
As of 1.16, Advanced Kiosk has been promoted to production. Should you notice any issues requiring attention, please reach out to the mambo EMM team, or send FEEDBACK through your team console.
We have one remaining limitation relating to wallpaper:
- The wallpaper provided will be cropped and centered, we recommend creating a wallpaper in the dimensions of the longest edge, with all content maintained within the dimensions of the smallest edge. IE a 19201080 unit would need a 19201920 image with all visible content inside 1080*1080 to ensure it shows correctly in both orientations, if both orientations are used. If only one orientation is forced, this 1:1 image aspect is not required, and a resolution-specific image may be used.
- Different policies for different resolutions may be required to avoid image cropping issues.
This is unfortunately the nature of Android, a one-size-fits-all image is likely to scale poorly, so we'd still recommend leveraging multiple policies at this time. We'll continue to invest in better ways to gracefully manage this in future.
Welcome to our Advanced Kiosk implementation! While the solution is in BETA, there are some known issues you need to be aware of:
Autorotate may not work correctlyRemoving advanced kiosk might cause a 'retry' button to appear, a restart might be needed to apply the policy changeCustom wallpaper may take several minutes to load on first enrolment