Setting up Device Heartbeat

Heartbeat is used to make sure a device checks in regularly with the system.

  1. Once logged into the mambo EMM console navigate to Management > Policy Components.
  2. Select your General Policy Component and under Actions tap More > Configure.
  3. Scroll down to Device Heartbeat & select a period to complete a Heartbeat.
  4. Once Done, Select Update


Heartbeat not working (EMM Companion App not installed)

If the Companion app is not showing on the device, you can follow these steps:

  1. Once logged into the mambo EMM console navigate to Management > Devices.
  2. Navigate to your Device and under Actions tap View Details.
  3. You will be able to check on the General tab to see if the EMM Companion application is installed correctly.
  4. If it is not installed, on the device navigate to Google Play and install the application.